11/16-18/2016 | 09:00 am - 17:00 pm @ Taipei
Visual Practice Workshop
如果你相信視覺具有引導變革的力量或是視覺紀錄、視覺引導或視覺實踐者, 這個工作坊是為你量身訂造。
在這三天工作坊中,我們將會分享全球前沿案例, 探索創新想法並將我們的學習應用於整體的體驗當中,這些學習共創將成爲這次集體珍貴的感知之旅。
除了2016.11/16-11/18 台北,我們另正在規劃 2017.2/13-2/17 義大利杜林以及2017.5/15-5/19 加拿大多倫多的視覺創新實踐工作坊。
視覺引導師 Graphic Facilitators
企業人才資源培訓 Corporate Talent Resource
教育工作者 Educators
創意顛覆者 Creative Disrupters
Global Visual Facilitation Team
Kelvy Bird | US
自1995年迄今,Kelvy一直從事組織環境中人類發展相關領域的工作,焦點放在共同協作,創新,領導力和集體智慧。她的專業是在項目中引動集體創意並促進學習和相互連結 - 最近一段時間,專注於寫作和提供教練指導,特別是專注於擴大視覺實踐的領域。
她共同創建了Presencing Institute自然流現研究所的全球論壇,全球教室,在線社群空間,現在是在Presencing Institute的項目中擔任創意開發總監,其中包括奧托夏莫教授(Otto Scharmer)的edX:U.Lab:轉變商業,社會和自我 – u.lab自從2015年1月推出後,已連結全球超過75000位學習者線上線下的參與 - 她也為u.lab提供了豐富廣泛的視覺參考資料。
Kelvy是一位透過視覺紀錄來推動社會變革與轉型的視覺引導師,她運用現場同步視覺翻譯將現場動態與內容轉換成可視化、有形的方式來協助團體反思與制定決策。長期的合作夥伴包括:麻省理工學院高管教育和麻省理工學院內的其他院校,哈佛商學院,企業和政府機關,The Value Web和世界經濟論壇,以及世界前500強企業和在地相關社區組織。
Kelvy Bird has been working in the field of human development within organizational contexts since 1995, with a focus on collaboration, innovation, leadership, and collective intelligence. Her specialty is in harnessing group creativity for projects that cultivate learning and connectivity – most recently, writing and delivering coaching specifically to expand the field of Visual Practice.
She’s been part of co-creating the Presencing Institute‘s Global Forum, Global Classrooms, online community spaces, and now serves as Creative Developer for ongoing PI initiatives, including Otto Scharmer’s edX offering: U.Lab: Transforming Business, Society, and Self – launched January 2015, reaching over 75,000 participants worldwide – for which she has provided extensive visual materials.
Kelvy also works as a graphic facilitator specializing in scribing to advance social transformation. She supports groups with live translation of content and dynamics into visual, tangible formats to aid with reflection and decision-making. Long-standing partners have included: MIT Executive Education and other schools within MIT, Harvard Schools of Education, Government, and Business, The World Economic Forum with The Value Web, as well as Fortune 500 and local community organizations alike.
Alfredo Carlo | Italy
他是Housatonic Design Network的創始合夥人,並自2011年起成爲Matter Group的合作夥伴,他們共同提供視覺引導與團隊協作的會議服務,透過共創引導協助組織在複雜狀態中增進溝通。
同時他也是The Value Web組織的核心成員,這是一群由全球各地的設計師與引導師網絡所創立組成的非營利組織,協助世界各地中大型機構組織進行研究流程並尋找系統性與複雜問題的解決方案。
Alfredo, born in 1975 in Bruxelles, is a designer of collaborative processes and a graphic facilitator. He has translated his interest in design and interaction between human beings into his profession.
Grown up in Rome and graduated in Art History in Bologna, where he currently lives with his wife and two kids, Alfredo has a deep knowledge of silkscreen and printing techniques, as well as of scenography and environmental decoration, areas in which he has materialized his passion for t-shirts and writing. His works have been published on several books of brand design, street art and graphic design.
He's the founding partner of Housatonic Design Network and since 2011 partner of Matter Group. Together they deliver graphic facilitation and collaborative sessions to facilitate complexity in organisations and in communication.
Alfredo is a member and vice-president of The Value Web, a no-profit organization made of an international facilitators and designers network, which helps big and medium organizations all over the world in their processes of research for systemic and complex problems solutions.
Alfredo bases his work on the power of collaboration between people. He loves to commit himself to each project in a creative and active way. Especially new, difficult and unexplored experiences challenge him. His sunny and emphatic character makes him feel comfortable in any operating and human environment.
Ripley Huei Mei Lin
畢業於紐約州立大學MFA。近年來她以豐富的團隊引導經驗及視覺埸域營造,來支持許多企業與組織的發展。她目前持續致力於於視覺引導與創意啟發。是一塊引導工坊的夥伴也是The Value Web 組織的成員。
Ripley believes in the catalystic role of graphic facilitation in achieving the discovery of wonderful possibilities through deep listening of the facilitators and authentic conversations among the participants.
She received MFA from New York State University. Ripley has been devoting her rich experiences in group facilitation and environmental design to support the development of enterprises and organizations. She is continuing to explore in the filed of graphic facilitaion and creative development.
Ripley is a partner of Ikuai Facilitators Group and a member of The Value Web.
Jayce Pei Yu Lee
成長於台灣台北,畢業於紐西蘭坎特布里大學藝術系,累積了超過十數年涵蓋視覺設計/商品陳列/市場營銷經驗後,她回歸並持續點燃對藝術的熱情,2010年起與The Value Web合作參與達沃斯世界經濟論壇的創新項目,致力於中英文視覺圖像紀錄與視覺應用實踐迄今,她是MGTaylor Methodology全球知識工作者在世界各地旅行與跨界跨文化人才共同協作,也是The Value Web國際組織成員之一以及U型理論相關創變項目和u.lab MOOC全球合作夥伴之一。
Jayce is big at heart, small in size, and organic in spirit.
She was born and grew up in Taipei, Taiwan, studying Typographic Design and graduating with a Bachelor of Fine Arts from the University of Canterbury while living in New Zealand for eight years. She has diverse professional experience ranging from graphic design, visual merchandising, retail marketing, and sales. She’s devoted her time most recently to knowledge work and bilingual graphic facilitation (Mandarin/ English) with the MGTaylor Methodology and in collaboration with The Value Web at Summer Davos in China since 2010. She has set her footprints and travelled on many continents and now largely works in Asia Pacific with global organizations. She is a member of The Value Web and one of the fellow travelers of Theory U, also a global visual collaborator with u.lab MOOC since 2015.
費用說明 Fees
(限額30名 30 seats only )
* 針對在11月16-18日在台北啟動的視覺創新實踐工作坊,為了鼓勵更多有志人士的參與,我們決定將報名費用調整為早鳥價 — 所有人採取單一費率機制。
學生:$300USD / $9,500TWD
To encourage participation in the upcoming Visual Practice Workshop in Taiwan, we have lowered the registration fee to the early bird rate for all additional participants.
In conceiving the workshop series, we thought the fee could be consistent across three regions (Asia, Europe, NA.) But after review and feedback, we now see that the regional differences need to be reflected in the pricing.
Asia is a much newer market for visual practice, and it’s most important that this experience be accessible to those wanting to explore and deepen their facilitative practices.
Revised individual and corporate rate: $1800USD / $57,000TWD. (26 seats only)
The initial student rate of $300USD / $9,500TWD still holds. (4 seats only, please provide photo of student identity card)
Please complete the payment in two days.
地址 Location
台灣11494 台北市內湖區瑞湖街111號1樓
UnderLine by Gamania Group
1F, No.111, Ruihu St., Neihu Dist., Taipei City 11494, Taiwan